Wildlife Agents in Louisiana Cite Subject for Allegedly Hunting Turkeys Over a Baited Area
Claiborne Parish, Louisiana – Wildlife agents in Louisiana have cited a subject for allegedly hunting turkeys over a baited area.
On May 4, 2023, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) reported that enforcement agents cited a subject for an alleged turkey hunting violation on April 17 in Claiborne Parish.
Agents cited Landry Bernard, 35, of Homer, Louisiana, for hunting turkeys over a baited area, according to reports.
A report was received regarding someone hunting turkeys over a baited area near Homer, Louisiana. An agent arrived on the scene and reportedly saw Bernard actively hunting turkeys near a corn feeder with corn on the ground.
A $250 to $500 fine and up to 90 days in jail are imposed for hunting turkeys over a baited area.
Sgt. Ryan Brasher and Corporal Emily Sexton are the agents working on the case.
All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty.