Southwest Louisiana Live Flooding Information

Below you will find a live flooding information map as well as a feed from the National Weather Service for areas in Southwest Louisiana including Lake Charles, Sulphur, Carlyss, Iowa, Vinton, Moss Bluff and other surrounding areas.

If you encounter flooding conditions Turn Around Don’t Drown.

Southwest Louisiana Live Flood, River Level, and River Flow Map

The map below shows live flooding information for Southwest Louisiana as well as weather radar. The live flooding information is generated from combining weather conditions, flow and level gauges in rivers, drainage canals, and low lying areas, as well as indicators from posts on social media sites.

You can see the map key, map view options, as well as more information about the map by using the hamburger menu (3 horizontal lines) on the top left of the map.

Weather Conditions and Forecast

[shortcode-weather-atlas city_selector=2356454 layout=”horizontal” sunrise_sunset=0 daily=5]