Police Chase in Southwest Louisiana in Connection with a Missing or Endangered Person in the Austin Area

Police Chase in Southwest Louisiana in Connection with a Missing or Endangered Person in the Austin Area

July 8, 2019, 1:00 p.m. – Updated July 8, 2019, 9:00 p.m.

Preliminary information indicated that authorities from both Texas and Louisiana were in pursuit of a dark red or maroon car believed to be a Honda in connection with a missing or endangered person in the Austin area.

It was later found that at approximately 11:40 a.m, Monday, July 8, 2019, Jefferson County deputies attempted to stop a 2008 maroon Honda Accord on I-10 East near Beaumont for a traffic violation. After deputies ran the vehicle information, it was found that the vehicle was connected to a missing or endangered person case in the Autin, Texas area.

A vehicle chase ensued and continued on I-10 East through Southeast Texas and into Southwest Louisiana. The chase exited I-10 East near Vinton, Louisiana then turned around and headed back west toward Texas on I-10. The suspect then exited into the Texas Welcome Center briefly, then turned back around to head East on I-10 toward Louisiana again. Reports indicate that a two-vehicle accident near the Texas/Louisiana State Line was caused by the erratic driving of the suspect.

As the chase continued into Louisiana, the suspect traveled on I-10 East through Sulphur later exiting on to Highway 378 in Westlake, Louisiana, then heading north. The chase finally ended at approximately 12:50 p.m. when the suspect crashed on Myrtle Springs Road in Westlake. The suspect was apprehended shortly afterward.

A total of 12 departments from Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana were involved in the chase. The departments include:

  • Beaumont Police Department
  • Calcasieu Sheriff’s Office
  • Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office
  • Louisiana constables
  • Louisiana State Police
  • Orange County Sheriff’s Office
  • Orange Police Department
  • Sulphur Police Department
  • Texas Department of Public Safety
  • Vidor Police Department
  • Vinton Police Department
  • Westlake Police Department

The name of the suspect was not immediately released, and Jefferson County authorities indicated after the suspect has been arraigned.