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Mosquito Spray Information and Schedule Map for Calcasieu Parish

Calcasieu Parish Mosquito Control Information and Map

The Calcasieu Parish Police Jury operates 14 trucks and 2 airplanes that are permanently set up to spray EPA-approved insecticides for mosquito control. These trucks and planes begin to spray shortly before dark and continue until early morning hours, just before sunrise. The insecticide can be sprayed as long as there is no rain, dense fog or high winds. Cool temperatures can also prevent the planes and trucks from spraying.

There is no regular spray schedule for the trucks and planes, rather it is created based on data from inspection stations throughout the parish. Mosquito control trucks have over 90 designated areas to spray in Calcasieu Parish. Areas sprayed by planes are custom-drawn based on need.

If you want to help get rid of mosquitos yourself, check out 5 Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes.

Shop Amazon for Items to Get Rid of Mosquitos (ad)

Calcasieu Parish Mosquito Control Spray Schedule Map

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CPPJ Mosquito Control Map Key

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