Calcasieu Correctional Center ( CCC ) – Calcasieu Parish Jail
All suspects are innocent until proven guilty.
For more information about a crime, arrest, or suspect, contact the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office Main Office
Calcasieu Correctional Center
For emergencies dial 911

Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office
March 16, 2020 Release Report

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 6:53:55 AM Booking Number: 2020-00001670 Booking Date & Time: 3/16/2020 1:45:00 AM
Last Name: Bernard First Name: Keron Middle Name: Mikel
DOB: 02/10/1994 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bonded by W. Carter FBI: 921211TD5
SID: 002811446
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:34.1 Second Degree Battery 2019-00071007 523226 Bonded $2,500.00
2 14:34 Aggravated Battery 2019-00007107 523226 Bonded $2,500.00

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 7:19:24 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000686 Booking Date & Time: 2/2/2020 12:01:00 AM
Last Name: Frederick First Name: Joseph Middle Name: David III
DOB: 01/31/1979 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Ipes, Charles
Release Disposition: Time Served Comments: Time served/ Daily release/ Victim notification done. FBI: 931614WB7
SID: 002255004
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:34 Aggravated Battery 2020-00000043 19-000197 Rejected
2 14:79 Violations of Protective Orders 2020-00000043 19-000197 4380-20 Time Served
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Division D 38026 1985-19 Time Served
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Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 7:48:46 AM Booking Number: 2020-00001018 Booking Date & Time: 2/15/2020 5:30:00 PM
Last Name: Carrier First Name: Stacey Middle Name: Lynn
DOB: 05/06/1975 Race: Black Sex: Female Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Time Served Comments: Rel/Time Served/Daily Releases FBI: 911463FB3
SID: 001651884
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 18097 6845-16 Recalled
2 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 21873 11114-15 Recalled
3 15:176 Partial Reimbursement by Indigents Commissioner 25883 11114-15 Time Served
4 40:966.E.(1) Possession of Marijuana; 1st Offense 2013-00076467 25883 11114-15 Time Served
5 14:67.B.(4).. Theft less than $1,000 2018-00007778 LCPD-2018-000397 Rejected
6 14:72 Forgery 2018-00007778 LCPD-2018-000397 3097-20 Bonded $1,000.00
7 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA328268 Recalled
8 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA329161 Recalled
9 14:63 Criminal Trespass Ward 3 AA328268 Time Served
10 14:63 Criminal Trespass Ward 3 AA329161 Time Served
11 C.CR.P Art. 899 Probation Violation Commissioner 11114-15 Terminated
12 14:67.B.(4).. AttemptedTheft less than $1,000 2013-00190982 6845-16 Time Served

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 8:11:21 AM Booking Number: 2019-00004605 Booking Date & Time: 7/5/2019 3:29:00 AM
Last Name: Zachery First Name: David Middle Name:
DOB: 04/23/1972 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Ipes, Charles
Release Disposition: Time Served Comments: Time served/Daily releases/ Vicitim notification. FBI: 358416TA6
SID: 001587577
Billing Class: LA0100200 : Lake Charles Police Department
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3.L Domestic Abuse Battery; Strangulation 2019-00004312 519298 18399-19 Time Served
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Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 8:55:53 AM Booking Number: 2020-00001669 Booking Date & Time: 3/16/2020 12:55:00 AM
Last Name: Lavergne First Name: Tina Middle Name: Cormier
DOB: 09/07/1974 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bonded by C. Benoit FBI: J1955PJW3
SID: 003121975
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 32:79 Driving on Roadway Laned for Traffic 2020-00031372 Bonded $250.00
2 14:98.1. Operating While Intoxicated; First Offense 2020-00031372 Bonded $1,000.00

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 9:16:36 AM Booking Number: 2020-00001144 Booking Date & Time: 2/21/2020 11:50:00 AM
Last Name: Billups First Name: Travon Middle Name: Demond
DOB: 11/10/1992 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Transfer Comments: Auth: Christopher Domingue FBI: 525945LD7
Transferred To: LA0020000 : Allen Parish Jail Transfer Comments: Released to Deputy Banks & January SID: 002728500
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 C.CR.P Art. 899 Probation Violation Division G 27577-12 Serving DOC Time
2 C.CR.P Art. 899 Probation Violation Division G 22770-13 Serving DOC Time
3 C.CR.P Art. 899 Probation Violation Division G 27577-12 Serving DOC Time

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 10:16:58 AM Booking Number: 2020-00001046 Booking Date & Time: 2/17/2020 2:35:00 AM
Last Name: Pete First Name: Bryan Middle Name: Alexander
DOB: 08/06/1987 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Transfer Comments: Auth: Corey Majors FBI: 163685HC0
Transferred To: TX1230000 : Jefferson County Jail Transfer Comments: Released to Deputy Sharon Henton SID: 003077146
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 13.1 Out of State Detainer TX – Jefferson Co. 31713 Extradition/Transfer
2 13.1 Out of State Detainer TX – Jefferson Co. 318384 Extradition/Transfer
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commisioner 5161 19467-15 Recalled
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 16094444 15339-16 Time Served
5 40:966.C.(2)(a) Possession of Marijuana 1st Offense (14 grams or less) 2016-00042301 16094444 15339-16 Nolle Prosequi
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6 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended Ward 4 15081393 17399-15 Nolle Prosequi
7 14:99 Reckless Operation Ward 4 15081393 17399-15 Time Served
8 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 15081393 17399-15 Recalled

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 10:24:20 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000762 Booking Date & Time: 2/5/2020 6:10:00 AM
Last Name: Leger First Name: Tabitha Middle Name: Renee
DOB: 08/05/1986 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Ipes, Charles
Release Disposition: Transfer Comments: Auth: Corey Majors FBI: 885664LC2
Transferred To: TX1230000 : Jefferson County Jail Transfer Comments: Released to Deputy Sharon Hinton SID: 002466496
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Division B CON077115 15876-10 Bonded $200.00
2 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 34754 14998-19 Recalled
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 34200 13961-19 Recalled
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 32409 7594-19 Recalled
5 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 4036 11816-15 Recalled
6 13.1 Out of State Detainer TX – Jefferson Co. 33067 Extradition/Transfer
7 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Division H 2293 10529-15 Recalled
8 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2019-00002186 518748 14998-19 Bonded $2,000.00

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 11:11:27 AM Booking Number: 2020-00001647 Booking Date & Time: 3/13/2020 4:49:00 PM
Last Name: Little First Name: David Middle Name: Dwayne Jr
DOB: 10/17/1990 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Transfer Comments: Auth: James Stains FBI: 830443XD3
Transferred To: LA0010000 : Acadia Parish Jail Transfer Comments: Released to Deptuy Gerald Stewart SID: 002854467
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00000590 Bonded $1,500.00
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2 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00000590 Bonded $500.00
3 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00000590 Bonded $1,000.00
4 40:1023.C Prohibited acts; Drug Paraphernalia 2020-00000590 Bonded $500.00
5 13 Instate Detainer Acadia Parish 19-0074899 Extradition/Transfer

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 11:49:21 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000036 Booking Date & Time: 1/3/2020 2:05:00 PM
Last Name: Knight First Name: Billy Middle Name: Ray
DOB: 07/05/1991 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Transfer Comments: Auth: Hollie Howard FBI: 234391XB4
Transferred To: LA0270400 : Welsh City Jail Transfer Comments: Released to Officer Mark Hanks SID: 003005421
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:971.B.(1)(i) Obtaining CDS from Multiple Health Care Practitioners 2016-00071866 32777 4503-17 Paroled
2 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Division E 27905 4503-17 Time Served
3 13.1 Out of State Detainer KY – Lyon Co. E07210003456476 17-CR-00178 Extradition/Transfer
4 13 Instate Detainer Welsh PD 180005031 Extradition/Transfer
5 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II Grant Parish GRN2019354CT2

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 12:53:59 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001084 Booking Date & Time: 2/18/2020 1:20:00 PM
Last Name: Sandifer First Name: Jenson Middle Name: Kyle
DOB: 05/29/1987 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Recognizance Bond Comments: Rel/ROR/J. Bradley FBI: 6DJ7JJ06H
SID: 002943683
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:69.B.(3). Illegal Possession of Stolen Things from $1,000 but less than
2019-00001877 CPSO-2019-001126 Bonded $2,000.00
2 14:69.1.B.(1) Illegal Possession of Stolen Firearms First Offense 2019-00001877 CPSO-2019-002566 Bonded $7,500.00
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA326382 Recalled
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4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA326382 Recalled
5 32:865 No Motor Vehicle Insurance Ward 3 AA326382 Time Served
6 32:411 No Drivers License on Person Ward 3 AA326382 Time Served

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 1:02:30 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001671 Booking Date & Time: 3/16/2020 10:15:00 AM
Last Name: LeBouef First Name: Damon Middle Name: Tod
DOB: 03/31/1963 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Ipes, Charles
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bonded/ authority: K. Golightly FBI: 164683DA7
SID: 001079378
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2019-00127891 CPSO-2020-005187 Bonded $2,500.00

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 1:22:55 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001398 Booking Date & Time: 3/3/2020 1:22:00 PM
Last Name: Dorman First Name: David Middle Name: Rodney Jr
DOB: 07/10/1970 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Property Bond Comments: Rel/Property Bond/J. Bradley FBI: 16385LA0
SID: 001412164
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:110.A Simple Escape 2020-00023803 CPSO-2020-5201 Bonded $4,000.00
2 14:56.B.(1). Simple Criminal Damage to Property less than $1,000 2018-00089479 CPSO-2018-012595 3987-20 Nolle Prosequi
3 14:67.B.(4).. Theft less than $1,000 2018-00089479 CPSO-2018-012566 3987-20 Time Served
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Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 1:42:02 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001521 Booking Date & Time: 3/7/2020 11:31:00 PM
Last Name: Belton First Name: Marcus Middle Name: Jamal
DOB: 07/22/1987 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Detainer Lifted Comments: Rel/Detainer Lifted/C. Watkins, M. Hebert, H. Howard FBI: 308779TC4
SID: 002538967
Billing Class: LA0100200 : Lake Charles Police Department
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00001321 528038 Rejected
2 13.3.A Probation Detainer Division D 4694-19 Detainer Lifted
3 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00001321 528038 Rejected

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 2:51:10 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001383 Booking Date & Time: 3/2/2020 6:01:00 PM
Last Name: Thomas First Name: Dominic Middle Name: Joseph
DOB: 01/24/1985 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Ipes, Charles
Release Disposition: Charge(s) Rejected Comments: Recalled, Author: A. Shockley, H. Howard, S. Vellion FBI: 244477WB6
SID: 003053644
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Division D 35898 13057-18 Recalled

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 3:27:50 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000465 Booking Date & Time: 1/22/2020 7:24:00 PM
Last Name: Simmons First Name: Taylor Middle Name: Danielle
DOB: 03/15/1992 Race: Black Sex: Female Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Recognizance Bond Comments: Rel/ROR/J. Bradley FBI: 357191VD6
SID: 002817418
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:69.B.(2).. Illegal Possession of Stolen Things from $5,000 but less than
2020-00009054 526400 Bonded $3,500.00
2 13.3.A Probation Detainer Division C 8535-19 Bonded $1.00
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Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 4:17:10 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001621 Booking Date & Time: 3/12/2020 2:42:00 PM
Last Name: Alexander First Name: TaVonn Middle Name: Latrell
DOB: 03/08/2000 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Ipes, Charles
Release Disposition: Detainer Lifted Comments: Released/ Time Served/ Warrent recalled/ H.Howard FBI: HWVF1T06J
SID: 003054191
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 13 Instate Detainer Woodworth PD 20-214 19-0000004434 Recalled
2 13 Instate Detainer Woodworth PD 20-213 19-0000004433 Recalled
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA35857 Recalled
4 32:122 AttemptedVehicle Turning Left at Intersection Ward 3 AA352857 Time Served

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 4:22:53 PM Booking Number: 2019-00006663 Booking Date & Time: 10/2/2019 4:10:00 PM
Last Name: Hightower First Name: Brandon Middle Name: Christian
DOB: 11/12/1985 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bonded by P. Fuselier FBI: X11MV2CPK
SID: 003105590
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:67.26.C.(1) Theft of a Motor Vehicle from $25,000 or more 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $5,000.00
2 14:56.B.(2). Simple Criminal Damage to Property from $1,000 but less than
2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $5,000.00
3 14:67.26.C.(2) Theft of a Motor Vehicle from $5,000 but less than $25,000 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $10,000.00
4 14:67.B.(2)… Theft from $5,000 but less than $25,000 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $5,000.00
5 14:68.4 Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $5,000.00
6 14:130.1 Obstruction of Justice 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $5,000.00
7 14:52 Simple Arson 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $5,000.00
8 14:63 Criminal Trespass 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded
9 14:62.4 Unauthorized Entry of a Place of Business 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $5,000.00
10 15:1353 Prohibited Activities; Racketeering 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $5,000.00
11 14:67.B.(1).. Theft from $25,000 or more 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $5,000.00
12 14:56.B.(1). Simple Criminal Damage to Property less than $1,000 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $1,000.00
13 14:61 Unauthorized Entry of a Critical Infrastructure 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $10,000.00
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14 14:56.B.(1). Simple Criminal Damage to Property less than $1,000 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $2,000.00
15 14:56.B.(1). Simple Criminal Damage to Property less than $1,000 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $2,000.00
16 14:56.B.(1). Simple Criminal Damage to Property less than $1,000 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $2,000.00
17 14:63 Criminal Trespass 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded $1,000.00
18 14:63 Criminal Trespass 2019-00097037 CPSO-2019-003416 24712-19 Bonded

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 4:36:36 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000842 Booking Date & Time: 2/8/2020 1:55:00 PM
Last Name: Creel First Name: Dexter Middle Name: Olman Jr
DOB: 04/03/1966 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Ipes, Charles
Release Disposition: Time Served Comments: Time served./records/ H.Howard/S. Veillion/M.Hebert FBI: 702812NA2
SID: 001265821
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 37225 4104-18 Time Served

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 4:38:55 PM Booking Number: 2019-00008318 Booking Date & Time: 12/14/2019 9:37:00 PM
Last Name: Jack First Name: Roland Middle Name: Mandell Jr
DOB: 06/03/1979 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Recognizance Bond Comments: Rel/ROR/J. Bradley FBI: 196030EB9
SID: 002014310
Billing Class: LA0100200 : Lake Charles Police Department
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:67.26.C.(4) Theft of a Motor Vehicle less than $1,000 2019-00007842 523038 2134-20 Bonded $2,500.00
2 14:62 Simple Burglary 2019-00007842 523038 2134-20 Bonded $5,000.00
3 14:63 Criminal Trespass Ward 3 AA333883 Time Served
4 14:63 Criminal Trespass Ward 3 AA335989 Time Served
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Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 5:27:33 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001674 Booking Date & Time: 3/16/2020 2:30:00 PM
Last Name: Vincent First Name: Lakean Middle Name: Alexis
DOB: 04/05/1991 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Stains, James
Release Disposition: Judicial Release Comments: Rel/Judicial Release/C. Watkins FBI: H8FP375K1
SID: 002915735
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2019-00003441 519013 14358-19 Judicial Release
2 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2019-00003441 519013 14358-19 Judicial Release
3 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2019-00003441 519013 14358-19 Judicial Release
4 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2019-00005768 W195768.1 11818-18 Judicial Release
5 14:67.B.(2)… Theft from $5,000 but less than $25,000 2019-00061592 CPSO-2019-002452 16142-19 Judicial Release
6 14:71.1 Bank Fraud 2019-00061592 CPSO-2019-002452 16142-19 Judicial Release
7 14:72 Forgery 2019-00061592 CPSO-2019-002452 16142-19 Judicial Release
8 14:72 Forgery 2020-00061592 CPSO-2019-002452 16142-19 Judicial Release
9 14:72 Forgery 2020-00061592 CPSO-2019-002453 16142-19 Judicial Release
10 14:72 Forgery 2019-00061592 CPSO-2019 16142-19 Judicial Release
11 14:71.1 Bank Fraud 2019-00061592 CPSO-2019-002452 16142-19 Judicial Release

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 5:39:41 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001599 Booking Date & Time: 3/11/2020 9:47:00 PM
Last Name: Dowers First Name: Todd Middle Name: Glynn
DOB: 03/23/1970 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Ipes, Charles
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bonded/ P. Fuselier/ Authority/ J. Bradley FBI: 649800AC7
SID: 001484686
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2019-00125674 CPSO-2020-005190 Bonded $2,000.00
2 14:63.3 Entry on or Remaining in Places or on Land after being Forbidden 2019-00125674 CPSO-2020-005190 Bonded $1,000.00
3 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2019-00130080 CPSO-2020-005191 Bonded $2,500.00
4 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00029918 527596 Bonded $1,000.00
5 40:1023.C Prohibited acts; Drug Paraphernalia 2020-00029918 527596 Bonded $500.00
6 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2020-00025576 CPSO-2020-005332 Bonded $2,500.00
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7 14:56.B.(2). Simple Criminal Damage to Property from $1,000 but less than
2020-00025576 CPSO-2020-005332 Bonded
8 14:40.2 Stalking 2020-00025576 CPSO-2020-005332 Bonded $2,500.00
9 14:45 Simple Kidnaping 2020-00025576 CPSO-2020-005332 Bonded $10,000.00

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 6:27:58 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001673 Booking Date & Time: 3/16/2020 2:15:00 PM
Last Name: Hebert First Name: Victoria Middle Name: Ann
DOB: 02/01/1995 Race: Black Sex: Female Release Deputy: Lemelle, Wilson
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Rel/CommBond/C.Gabriel/J.Bradley/W.Lemelle FBI:
SID: 002870609
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2020-00031540 SPD-SPD-2020-0136 Bonded $1,000.00

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 6:36:09 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000932 Booking Date & Time: 2/12/2020 1:10:00 AM
Last Name: Willis First Name: Dwayne Middle Name: Ernest Sr
DOB: 09/11/1988 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Planchard, Clay
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: rel/comm/wcarterjr/jbradley/cplanchard FBI: 197796KC9
SID: 002441948
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:95 Illegal Carrying of Weapons, 1st Offense 2020-00017788 527192 Bonded $5,000.00
2 14:95.1 Possession of Firearm or Carrying Concealed Weapon by a Person
Convicted of Certain Felonies
2020-00017788 527192 Bonded $5,000.00
3 14:108.B.(1)(c) Resisting an Officer by Refusal to I.D. 2020-00017788 527192 Bonded $1,000.00
4 14:402 Contraband Defined; Certain Activities Regarding Contraband in
Penal Institutions Prohibited;
2020-00017788 527192 Bonded $2,000.00
5 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00017788 527192 Bonded $3,000.00
6 14:95 Illegal Carrying of Weapons, 1st Offense 2020-00017788 527192 Bonded $5,000.00
7 14:95.1 Possession of Firearm or Carrying Concealed Weapon by a Person
Convicted of Certain Felonies
2020-00017788 527192 Bonded $5,000.00
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8 C.CR.P Art. 899 Probation Violation Division F 20641-18 Bonded $5,000.00

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 6:39:14 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001425 Booking Date & Time: 3/4/2020 11:10:00 AM
Last Name: Kingrey First Name: Vic Middle Name: Terrell
DOB: 05/29/1978 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Broussard, Brett
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: auth J. Bradley/ Bond M. Smith/ Rel B. Broussard FBI: 484799DD4
SID: 002083691
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2020-00026795 527341 Bonded $3,500.00

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 6:44:14 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001481 Booking Date & Time: 3/6/2020 4:30:00 AM
Last Name: Jones First Name: Travonski Middle Name: Travon
DOB: 01/12/1998 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Lemelle, Wilson
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Rel/CommBond/N.Perry/J.Bradley/W.Lemelle FBI: 2FNN1T5K4
SID: 003031212
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 32:52 Driver must be Licensed 2020-00027582 527352 Bonded $500.00
2 32:872 No Proof of Insurance 2020-00027582 527352 Bonded
3 32:303.A Headlamps on Motor Vehicles 2020-00027582 527352 Bonded $500.00
4 14:69.1.B.(1) Illegal Possession of Stolen Firearms First Offense 2020-00027582 527352 Bonded $5,000.00
5 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Comissioner 36851 24385-19 Recalled
6 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court 2017-00112132 20859-17 Recalled
7 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court 2017-00112132 20859-17 Recalled
8 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA331353 Recalled
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9 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA345532 Recalled
10 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA345532 Recalled
11 Sec. 13-24 Resisting or obstructing an officer – Generally Ward 3 AA331353 Time Served
12 32:411 No Drivers License on Person Ward 3 AA345532 Time Served
13 32:58 Careless Operation Ward 3 AA345532 Time Served
14 32:411 No Drivers License on Person Ward 3 AA352361 Time Served
15 CO 3-7 Open Alcoholic Beverage Containers Ward 3 AA352361 Time Served
16 40:966.C.(2)(a) Possession of Marijuana 1st Offense (14 grams or less) 2019-00129674 24385-19 Time Served
17 32:304. Tail Lamps 2017-00020859 20859-17 Time Served

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 6:49:23 PM Booking Number: 2019-00007371 Booking Date & Time: 11/4/2019 12:05:00 AM
Last Name: Roy First Name: Jordan Middle Name: James
DOB: 03/31/1992 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Planchard, Clay
Release Disposition: Recognizance Bond Comments: rel/ror/jbradley/cplanchard FBI: 957231LD6
SID: 002735577
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:79 Violations of Protective Orders 2019-00140774 525441 24980-19 Bonded
2 14:62.3 Unauthorized Entry of an Inhabited Dwelling 2019-00140774 525441 24980-19 Bonded $5,000.00
3 14:56.B.(1). Simple Criminal Damage to Property less than $1,000 2019-00140774 525441 24980-19 Bonded $2,000.00

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 7:45:28 PM Booking Number: 2019-00007718 Booking Date & Time: 11/19/2019 2:25:00 PM
Last Name: Reynolds First Name: Matthew Middle Name: Warren
DOB: 04/08/1993 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Broussard, Brett
Release Disposition: Recognizance Bond Comments: ROR bond/ auth C. Harrington/ rel B. Broussard FBI: 936828JD5
SID: 002701014
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:967.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
II Narcotic
2019-00147741 CPSO-2019-004181 449-20 Bonded $10,000.00
2 40:966.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule I
2019-00147741 CPSO-2019-004181 449-20 Bonded $5,000.00
3 40:969.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
IV Narcotic
2019-00147741 CPSO-2019-004181 449-20 Bonded $5,000.00
4 40:1023.C Prohibited acts; Drug Paraphernalia 2019-00147741 CPSO-2019-004181 Rejected
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5 14:95.E Illegal Carrying of Weapons, during commission of a crime or in
presence of CDS
2019-00147741 CPSO-2019-004181 449-20 Bonded $10,000.00
6 14:69.1.B.(1) Illegal Possession of Stolen Firearms First Offense 2019-00147741 CPSO-2019-004181 449-20 Bonded $20,000.00
7 40:967.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
II Narcotic
2019-00144611 CPSO-2019-004090 25053-19 Bonded $75,000.00
8 40:966.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule I
2019-00144611 CPSO-2019-004090 25053-19 Bonded $50,000.00
9 40:967.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
II Narcotic
2019-00135304 CPSO-2019-004089 25055-19 Bonded $50,000.00
10 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended 2019-09336770 22186-19 Nolle Prosequi
11 32:1304 Secretary to Require Periodical Inspection 2019-09336770 22186-19 Time Served
12 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 19113872 22186-19 Time Served

Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 9:10:15 PM Booking Number: 2019-00008497 Booking Date & Time: 12/22/2019 2:01:00 PM
Last Name: Jones First Name: Johnny Middle Name: Son
DOB: 10/17/1984 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Lemelle, Wilson
Release Disposition: Recognizance Bond Comments: Rel/ROR/C.Harrington/W.Lemelle FBI: 833509LC8
SID: 001758195
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 36154 18398-19 Bonded $1.00
2 40:967.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
II Narcotic
2019-00001395 521263 18398-19 Bonded $5,000.00
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 19378-19 Recalled
4 14:67.B.(4).. Theft less than $1,000 Ward 4 MN9339444 Bonded $500.00
5 14:63.3 Entry on or Remaining in Places or on Land after being Forbidden Ward 4 MN9339444 Bonded $500.00
6 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 MN9339444 Time Served
7 14:63.3 Entry on or Remaining in Places or on Land after being Forbidden 2019-00067842 19378-19 Time Served
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Release Date & Time: 3/16/2020 9:18:28 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001675 Booking Date & Time: 3/16/2020 3:25:00 PM
Last Name: Lilly First Name: Jamaal Middle Name: Marquis
DOB: 04/10/1988 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Lemelle, Wilson
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Rel/CommBond/M.Smith/C.Harrington/W.Lemelle FBI:
SID: 003121800
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:71.1 Bank Fraud 2020-00031503 V-6133 Bonded $10,000.00
2 14:67.B.(2)… Theft from $5,000 but less than $25,000 2020-00031503 V-6133 Bonded $5,000.00
Total Count: 30
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