Louisiana Rolls Out New Educator Evaluation System to Boost Teacher Effectiveness

By Calcasieu Staff
Published August 14, 2024

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Baton Rouge, Louisiana – In an effort to promote the recruitment and retention of effective teachers and leaders, the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) has developed a modern educator evaluation system called LEADS (Louisiana’s Educator Advancement and Development System). This new system transforms the state’s outdated educator evaluation system, providing a more customized approach to coaching and development.

Under LEADS, educators will receive differentiated support based on their years of experience and individual needs. Teachers with at least three years of experience who score highly effective on their first observation may opt out of any remaining observations that school year. Those with less than three years of experience will receive three observations each year.

The new system also provides more useful, timely, and actionable feedback, with a focus on evidence-based practices that enhance teaching and leadership. The evaluation process is designed to be more fair and transparent, with multiple measures, self-reflection, and teacher input. Additionally, LEADS offers better feedback for improvement and resources to support individual growth, as well as stronger connections between evaluation and professional learning.

The development of LEADS was informed by national best practices and feedback from over 8,000 educators and school leaders. The LDOE conducted a discovery survey in 2022, which found that more than 50% of educators did not feel that the current evaluation system provided feedback that enhanced the quality of their instruction for students. Educators also expressed a desire for more opportunities for professional growth and development.

A pilot study was conducted during the 2023-2024 school year, involving 16 school systems across the state. The results showed that teachers and school leaders reported high levels of satisfaction with the LEADS trainings and found the evaluation process to be effective in supporting instructional growth.

The LDOE is currently hosting a series of informational webinars for school leaders, teachers, and counselors to provide an overview of LEADS. Additional information can be found in the LEADS library on the LDOE website.