Homicide Detectives in Louisiana Investigating Homicide At Traffic Light in Baton Rouge and Asking Public For Assistance Identifying Person Responsible
Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Louisiana homicide detectives are investigating a homicide that occurred at a traffic light in Baton Rouge, and are asking the public for assistance in identifying the person responsible.
On May 23, 2023, Capital Region Crime Stoppers and the Baton Rouge Police Department in Louisiana announced that Homicide Detectives are investigating the shooting death of Courtney Brown Jr, 25, in the 3300 block of Gus Young Ave and North Acadian Thruway on May 22 at around 11:46 a.m.
According to police sources, Brown was shot many times while sitting in his automobile at a traffic light.
At this moment, neither the motive nor the suspect is known.
Capital Region Crime Stoppers and the Baton Rouge Police Department are asking that anyone having information relative to this shooting death contact the Violent Crimes Unit at (225) 389-4869 or Crime Stoppers at (225) 344-7867.