Flashing Yellow Turn Signal Coming to Some Traffic Lights in Southwest Louisiana

Flashing yellow arrows will soon replace a solid green bulb to indicate when motorist should yield to oncoming traffic during a left turn at some intersections in Southwest Louisiana.

The change is being made because flashing yellow arrow signals have been shown to increase safety and reduce traffic delays.

Adding flashing yellow turn signals to intersections with a separate left-turn arrow are now a national standard.

A 10-year study on flashing yellow left-turn arrows was conducted by the Federal Highway Administration. The study found that the new yellow flashing lights help prevent crashes, reduce wait times at intersections, and saves fuel.

How do they help reduce wait times and save fuel?
The flashing yellow arrows have been found to reduce wait times at lights by 28 percent over traditional left turn signals.

How do they help prevent crashes and make turning safer?
Green means go for most drivers. All drivers know that they need to yield to oncoming traffic unless they have a protected green arrow, but many drivers just hit the gas pedal when they see green. A Flashing yellow turn signal sends a clear message to use caution while turning.

Below is information about LADOTD public meetings, as well as graphics and a short video about flashing left-turn traffic signals.

Louisiana DOTD has scheduled two public meetings about flashing yellow left turn signals in Calcasieu Parish.

West Calcasieu Meeting
Thursday, October 25
5 – 7 p.m.
Sulphur Regional Library
1160 Cypress St.
Sulphur, LA 70663

East Calcasieu Meeting
Wednesday, December 5
5 -7 p.m.
Central Library 2nd Floor
301 West Claude St.
Lake Charles, LA 70605

Flashing Yellow Turn Signal DOTD Flashing Yellow Turn Signal Explained

This video is based on information from Florida, however, flashing left turn signals will be implemented in the same way in Louisiana and throughout the country.