Calcasieu Correctional Center ( CCC ) – Calcasieu Parish Jail
All suspects are innocent until proven guilty. Some arrests are a result of warrants related to previous incidents. Not all outcomes are known or finalized.
For more information about a crime, arrest, or suspect, contact the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office Main Office
Calcasieu Correctional Center
For emergencies dial 911

Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office
February 15, 2020 Release Report

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 12:53:38 AM Booking Number: 2020-00001009 Booking Date & Time: 2/14/2020 7:25:00 PM
Last Name: Ceasar First Name: Leigh Middle Name: Daria
DOB: 12/28/1986 Race: Black Sex: Female Release Deputy: Gary, Brandon Troy
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bondsman: C Gabriel/ Auth: K Valerie FBI: 99930ED3
SID: 003119128
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2020-00018899 Bonded $1,000.00

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 1:10:15 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000965 Booking Date & Time: 2/13/2020 3:05:00 AM
Last Name: Shillow First Name: Kylie Middle Name: Rochelle
DOB: 10/26/1979 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Gary, Brandon Troy
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bondsman: N Perry/ Auth: K Valerie FBI: WRNEMPJW4
SID: 003117364
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:969.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule IV 2020-00008249 527205 Bonded $3,500.00
2 14:67.B.(4).. Theft less than $1,000 Ward 4 20024397 19002043 Bonded $500.00
3 14:67.B.(4).. Theft less than $1,000 Ward 4 20024397 19002043 Bonded $500.00
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 20024397 19002043 Bonded $500.00
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 1:22:56 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000318 Booking Date & Time: 1/16/2020 11:50:00 AM
Last Name: Fee First Name: Courtney Middle Name: Paige
DOB: 12/22/1997 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Hebert, Jeremy Chad
Release Disposition: Time Served Comments: Released on time served// Records// JH FBI: 2NDLC75K2
SID: 002924071
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 C.CR.P Art. 899 Probation Violation Commissioner 3802-18 Time Served
2 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA329188 Recalled
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 BB77243 Recalled
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 BB77243 Recalled
5 32:234.A.(1) Flashing Signals; Red Light Ward 3 AA329188 Time Served
6 32:64 General Speed Law Ward 3 BB77243B Time Served
7 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended Ward 3 BB77243B Time Served

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 6:27:39 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000911 Booking Date & Time: 2/11/2020 2:25:00 AM
Last Name: Patterson First Name: John Middle Name: Adam
DOB: 05/12/1998 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Trahan, David
Release Disposition: Time Served Comments: time served/ auth c domingue/ release d trahan FBI: WJFXT0067
Transfer Comments: time served/ auth c domingue/ release d trahan SID: 002921211
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:67.B.(3)… Theft from $1,000 but less than $5,000 2020-00017314 527181 Bonded $5,000.00
2 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA346776 Recalled
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA346776 Recalled
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 BB82279 Recalled
5 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 BB82279 Recalled
6 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended Ward 3 BB82279 Time Served
7 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended Ward 3 AA346776 Time Served
8 32:295 Child Passenger Restraint System Ward 3 AA346776 Time Served
9 32:64 General Speed Law Ward 3 BB82279 Time Served
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 8:25:38 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000962 Booking Date & Time: 2/12/2020 10:40:00 PM
Last Name: Malone First Name: Brittany Middle Name: Amanda
DOB: 12/16/1997 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond c gabriel/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: WWJTNM5KL
Transfer Comments: comm bond c gabriel/ auth m savant/ release b
SID: 003118988
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00018177 CPSO-2020-004985 Bonded $3,000.00
2 32:865 No Motor Vehicle Insurance 2020-00018177 CPSO-2020-004985 Bonded $250.00
3 47:508 Registration; Commercial Vehicles; Expired Plate 2020-00018177 CPSO-2020-004985 Bonded $250.00
4 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended 2020-00018177 CPSO-2020-004985 Bonded $500.00
5 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 37257 219-20 Bonded $1,000.00
6 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 27090 10019-18 Bonded $1,000.00
7 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 9146-18 Recalled
8 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 9146-18 Recalled
9 14:90.5 Unlawful Playing of Gaming Devices by Persons under the Age of
2018-00001756 9146-18 Time Served
10 27:30.1 Unlawful use of State-Issued Identification to Gain Access to a
Gaming Establishment or in Conjunction with Gaming Activities
2018-00001756 9146-18 Time Served

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 8:54:46 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000983 Booking Date & Time: 2/13/2020 11:30:00 PM
Last Name: Celestie First Name: Daryl Middle Name: John
DOB: 11/29/1985 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond p sam/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: KRT5LHLNW
Transfer Comments: comm bond p sam/ auth m savant/ release b lopez SID: 003119074

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 1:20:46 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001006 Booking Date & Time: 2/14/2020 5:27:00 PM
Last Name: Fontenot First Name: Caleb Middle Name: Reese
DOB: 06/21/1998 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond j taylor/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: W4FVF8PAN
Transfer Comments: comm bond j taylor/ auth m savant/ release b lopez SID: 002933680
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:53 Arson with intent to Defraud 2020-00051176 Bonded $20,000.00
2 14:26 Criminal Conspiracy 2020-00051176 Bonded $20,000.00

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 4:09:10 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000857 Booking Date & Time: 2/9/2020 2:50:00 AM
Last Name: Fontenot First Name: Courtnie Middle Name: Marie
DOB: 08/05/1981 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond d vamvoras/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: 4KV5PL9T5
Transfer Comments: comm bond d vamvoras/ auth m savant/ release b
SID: 003118603
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2020-00016569 527135 Bonded $1,000.00
2 14:37.4 Aggravated Assault with a Firearm 2020-00016569 527135 Bonded $1,500.00

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 4:50:04 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000900 Booking Date & Time: 2/10/2020 9:30:00 PM
Last Name: Fritz First Name: Sharron Middle Name: Jeannette
DOB: 02/23/1969 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond s dicks/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: 356058TB5
Transfer Comments: comm bond s dicks/ auth m savant/ release b lopez SID: 003118761
Billing Class: LA0100200 : Lake Charles Police Department
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00000819 523406 Bonded $5,000.00
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 4:50:18 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000921 Booking Date & Time: 2/11/2020 2:00:00 PM
Last Name: Perez First Name: Tyrus Middle Name: Levar
DOB: 05/02/1998 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Trahan, David
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond/nathaniel perry/authority m savant/ release
FBI: 793A2CJW6
Transfer Comments: comm bond/nathaniel perry/authority m savant/
release dtrahan
SID: 003105523
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:966.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule I
2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $10,000.00
2 40:966.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule I
2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $5,000.00
3 40:967.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
II Narcotic
2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $7,500.00
4 40:969.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
IV Narcotic
2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $7,500.00
5 14:72.2 Monetary Instrument Abuse 2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $5,000.00
6 40:969.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
IV Narcotic
2020-00017537 Dismissed

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 5:29:07 PM Booking Number: 2019-00007977 Booking Date & Time: 11/30/2019 12:01:00 AM
Last Name: Savoy First Name: Melvin Middle Name: Joseph Jr
DOB: 11/08/1960 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond c gabriel/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: 305473DA9
Transfer Comments: comm bond c gabriel/ auth m savant/ release b
SID: 001244892
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 32:329.1 Bicycles; front lamps; rear lamps; side and rear reflectors 2019-00152648 525693 Rejected
2 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2019-00152648 525693 1064-20 Bonded $2,000.00
3 40:966.C.(2)(a) Possession of Marijuana 1st Offense (14 grams or less) 2019-00152648 525693 Rejected
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 NP18053119 7598540 Time Served
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 7:05:01 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000987 Booking Date & Time: 2/14/2020 6:30:00 AM
Last Name: Velazquez First Name: Eric Middle Name: Rick Ryan
DOB: 06/18/1987 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Hebert, Jeremy Chad
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Released on Comm Bond// Courtney Gabriel// MS// BL FBI:
SID: 003119064
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2020-00018643 527220 Bonded $1,500.00
2 14:35.3.K Domestic Abuse Battery; Pregnant Victim 2020-00018643 527220 Bonded $2,500.00

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 7:33:29 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001017 Booking Date & Time: 2/15/2020 4:25:00 PM
Last Name: Duhon First Name: David Middle Name: Wayne
DOB: 08/24/1954 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Hebert, Jeremy Chad
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Released on Comm Bond// Murphy Fuselier// KV// JH FBI:
SID: 003119205
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:98.1. Operating While Intoxicated; First Offense 2020-00019184 Bonded $1,000.00
2 14:56.B.(2). Simple Criminal Damage to Property from $1,000 but less than
2020-00019184 Bonded $5,000.00

Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 9:09:29 PM Booking Number: 2019-00008634 Booking Date & Time: 12/29/2019 7:25:00 AM
Last Name: Albury First Name: Amber Middle Name: Lynn
DOB: 10/28/1999 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Hebert, Jeremy Chad
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Released on Comm Bond// Nathaniel Perry Jr.// KV// JH FBI: WJFK5VJW4
SID: 003066772
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:64 Armed Robbery 2019-00008048 LCPD-2019-000758 Bonded $50,000.00
2 14:59 Criminal Mischief 2018-00002673 19052024 8775-19 Time Served
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 19052024 8775-19 Recalled
4 13 Instate Detainer Woodworth PD 20-201 19-0000004395 Detainer Lifted
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 11:22:00 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001024 Booking Date & Time: 2/15/2020 8:30:00 PM
Last Name: Watts First Name: Laken Middle Name: Jamal
DOB: 04/14/1997 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Gary, Brandon Troy
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bondsman: R Fuselier/ Auth: K Valerie FBI: 397550CH3
SID: 002882182
Billing Class: LA0100200 : Lake Charles Police Department
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:966.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule I 2020-00000922 Bonded $1,000.00
2 40:1023.C Prohibited acts; Drug Paraphernalia 2020-00000922 Bonded $500.00
Total Count: 15
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