Calcasieu Correctional Center ( CCC ) – Calcasieu Parish Jail
All suspects are innocent until proven guilty. Some arrests are a result of warrants related to previous incidents. Not all outcomes are known or finalized.
For more information about a crime, arrest, or suspect, contact the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office Main Office
Calcasieu Correctional Center
For emergencies dial 911
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office
February 15, 2020 Release Report
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 12:53:38 AM Booking Number: 2020-00001009 Booking Date & Time: 2/14/2020 7:25:00 PM
Last Name: Ceasar First Name: Leigh Middle Name: Daria
DOB: 12/28/1986 Race: Black Sex: Female Release Deputy: Gary, Brandon Troy
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bondsman: C Gabriel/ Auth: K Valerie FBI: 99930ED3
SID: 003119128
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2020-00018899 Bonded $1,000.00
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 1:10:15 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000965 Booking Date & Time: 2/13/2020 3:05:00 AM
Last Name: Shillow First Name: Kylie Middle Name: Rochelle
DOB: 10/26/1979 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Gary, Brandon Troy
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bondsman: N Perry/ Auth: K Valerie FBI: WRNEMPJW4
SID: 003117364
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:969.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule IV 2020-00008249 527205 Bonded $3,500.00
2 14:67.B.(4).. Theft less than $1,000 Ward 4 20024397 19002043 Bonded $500.00
3 14:67.B.(4).. Theft less than $1,000 Ward 4 20024397 19002043 Bonded $500.00
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 20024397 19002043 Bonded $500.00
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 1:22:56 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000318 Booking Date & Time: 1/16/2020 11:50:00 AM
Last Name: Fee First Name: Courtney Middle Name: Paige
DOB: 12/22/1997 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Hebert, Jeremy Chad
Release Disposition: Time Served Comments: Released on time served// Records// JH FBI: 2NDLC75K2
SID: 002924071
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 C.CR.P Art. 899 Probation Violation Commissioner 3802-18 Time Served
2 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA329188 Recalled
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 BB77243 Recalled
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 BB77243 Recalled
5 32:234.A.(1) Flashing Signals; Red Light Ward 3 AA329188 Time Served
6 32:64 General Speed Law Ward 3 BB77243B Time Served
7 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended Ward 3 BB77243B Time Served
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 6:27:39 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000911 Booking Date & Time: 2/11/2020 2:25:00 AM
Last Name: Patterson First Name: John Middle Name: Adam
DOB: 05/12/1998 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Trahan, David
Release Disposition: Time Served Comments: time served/ auth c domingue/ release d trahan FBI: WJFXT0067
Transfer Comments: time served/ auth c domingue/ release d trahan SID: 002921211
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:67.B.(3)… Theft from $1,000 but less than $5,000 2020-00017314 527181 Bonded $5,000.00
2 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA346776 Recalled
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 AA346776 Recalled
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 BB82279 Recalled
5 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 BB82279 Recalled
6 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended Ward 3 BB82279 Time Served
7 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended Ward 3 AA346776 Time Served
8 32:295 Child Passenger Restraint System Ward 3 AA346776 Time Served
9 32:64 General Speed Law Ward 3 BB82279 Time Served
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 8:25:38 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000962 Booking Date & Time: 2/12/2020 10:40:00 PM
Last Name: Malone First Name: Brittany Middle Name: Amanda
DOB: 12/16/1997 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond c gabriel/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: WWJTNM5KL
Transfer Comments: comm bond c gabriel/ auth m savant/ release b
SID: 003118988
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00018177 CPSO-2020-004985 Bonded $3,000.00
2 32:865 No Motor Vehicle Insurance 2020-00018177 CPSO-2020-004985 Bonded $250.00
3 47:508 Registration; Commercial Vehicles; Expired Plate 2020-00018177 CPSO-2020-004985 Bonded $250.00
4 32:415 Operating Vehicle while License is Suspended 2020-00018177 CPSO-2020-004985 Bonded $500.00
5 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 37257 219-20 Bonded $1,000.00
6 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Commissioner 27090 10019-18 Bonded $1,000.00
7 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 9146-18 Recalled
8 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 3 9146-18 Recalled
9 14:90.5 Unlawful Playing of Gaming Devices by Persons under the Age of
2018-00001756 9146-18 Time Served
10 27:30.1 Unlawful use of State-Issued Identification to Gain Access to a
Gaming Establishment or in Conjunction with Gaming Activities
2018-00001756 9146-18 Time Served
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 8:54:46 AM Booking Number: 2020-00000983 Booking Date & Time: 2/13/2020 11:30:00 PM
Last Name: Celestie First Name: Daryl Middle Name: John
DOB: 11/29/1985 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond p sam/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: KRT5LHLNW
Transfer Comments: comm bond p sam/ auth m savant/ release b lopez SID: 003119074
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 1:20:46 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001006 Booking Date & Time: 2/14/2020 5:27:00 PM
Last Name: Fontenot First Name: Caleb Middle Name: Reese
DOB: 06/21/1998 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond j taylor/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: W4FVF8PAN
Transfer Comments: comm bond j taylor/ auth m savant/ release b lopez SID: 002933680
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:53 Arson with intent to Defraud 2020-00051176 Bonded $20,000.00
2 14:26 Criminal Conspiracy 2020-00051176 Bonded $20,000.00
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 4:09:10 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000857 Booking Date & Time: 2/9/2020 2:50:00 AM
Last Name: Fontenot First Name: Courtnie Middle Name: Marie
DOB: 08/05/1981 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond d vamvoras/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: 4KV5PL9T5
Transfer Comments: comm bond d vamvoras/ auth m savant/ release b
SID: 003118603
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2020-00016569 527135 Bonded $1,000.00
2 14:37.4 Aggravated Assault with a Firearm 2020-00016569 527135 Bonded $1,500.00
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 4:50:04 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000900 Booking Date & Time: 2/10/2020 9:30:00 PM
Last Name: Fritz First Name: Sharron Middle Name: Jeannette
DOB: 02/23/1969 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond s dicks/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: 356058TB5
Transfer Comments: comm bond s dicks/ auth m savant/ release b lopez SID: 003118761
Billing Class: LA0100200 : Lake Charles Police Department
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2020-00000819 523406 Bonded $5,000.00
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 4:50:18 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000921 Booking Date & Time: 2/11/2020 2:00:00 PM
Last Name: Perez First Name: Tyrus Middle Name: Levar
DOB: 05/02/1998 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Trahan, David
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond/nathaniel perry/authority m savant/ release
FBI: 793A2CJW6
Transfer Comments: comm bond/nathaniel perry/authority m savant/
release dtrahan
SID: 003105523
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:966.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule I
2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $10,000.00
2 40:966.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule I
2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $5,000.00
3 40:967.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
II Narcotic
2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $7,500.00
4 40:969.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
IV Narcotic
2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $7,500.00
5 14:72.2 Monetary Instrument Abuse 2020-00017537 CPSO-2020-004982 Bonded $5,000.00
6 40:969.A.(1) Produce, Manufacture, Distribute or Possess with Intent Schedule
IV Narcotic
2020-00017537 Dismissed
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 5:29:07 PM Booking Number: 2019-00007977 Booking Date & Time: 11/30/2019 12:01:00 AM
Last Name: Savoy First Name: Melvin Middle Name: Joseph Jr
DOB: 11/08/1960 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Lopez-Ortiz, Brian
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: comm bond c gabriel/ auth m savant/ release b lopez FBI: 305473DA9
Transfer Comments: comm bond c gabriel/ auth m savant/ release b
SID: 001244892
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 32:329.1 Bicycles; front lamps; rear lamps; side and rear reflectors 2019-00152648 525693 Rejected
2 40:967.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule II 2019-00152648 525693 1064-20 Bonded $2,000.00
3 40:966.C.(2)(a) Possession of Marijuana 1st Offense (14 grams or less) 2019-00152648 525693 Rejected
4 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 NP18053119 7598540 Time Served
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 7:05:01 PM Booking Number: 2020-00000987 Booking Date & Time: 2/14/2020 6:30:00 AM
Last Name: Velazquez First Name: Eric Middle Name: Rick Ryan
DOB: 06/18/1987 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Hebert, Jeremy Chad
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Released on Comm Bond// Courtney Gabriel// MS// BL FBI:
SID: 003119064
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:35.3 Domestic Abuse Battery 2020-00018643 527220 Bonded $1,500.00
2 14:35.3.K Domestic Abuse Battery; Pregnant Victim 2020-00018643 527220 Bonded $2,500.00
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 7:33:29 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001017 Booking Date & Time: 2/15/2020 4:25:00 PM
Last Name: Duhon First Name: David Middle Name: Wayne
DOB: 08/24/1954 Race: White Sex: Male Release Deputy: Hebert, Jeremy Chad
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Released on Comm Bond// Murphy Fuselier// KV// JH FBI:
SID: 003119205
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:98.1. Operating While Intoxicated; First Offense 2020-00019184 Bonded $1,000.00
2 14:56.B.(2). Simple Criminal Damage to Property from $1,000 but less than
2020-00019184 Bonded $5,000.00
Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 9:09:29 PM Booking Number: 2019-00008634 Booking Date & Time: 12/29/2019 7:25:00 AM
Last Name: Albury First Name: Amber Middle Name: Lynn
DOB: 10/28/1999 Race: White Sex: Female Release Deputy: Hebert, Jeremy Chad
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Released on Comm Bond// Nathaniel Perry Jr.// KV// JH FBI: WJFK5VJW4
SID: 003066772
Billing Class: PAR100000 : Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 14:64 Armed Robbery 2019-00008048 LCPD-2019-000758 Bonded $50,000.00
2 14:59 Criminal Mischief 2018-00002673 19052024 8775-19 Time Served
3 C.CR.P Art 21 Direct Contempt of Court Ward 4 19052024 8775-19 Recalled
4 13 Instate Detainer Woodworth PD 20-201 19-0000004395 Detainer Lifted
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Release Date & Time: 2/15/2020 11:22:00 PM Booking Number: 2020-00001024 Booking Date & Time: 2/15/2020 8:30:00 PM
Last Name: Watts First Name: Laken Middle Name: Jamal
DOB: 04/14/1997 Race: Black Sex: Male Release Deputy: Gary, Brandon Troy
Release Disposition: Commercial Bond Comments: Bondsman: R Fuselier/ Auth: K Valerie FBI: 397550CH3
SID: 002882182
Billing Class: LA0100200 : Lake Charles Police Department
No. Statute Description Complaint Warrant Docket Disposition Bond
1 40:966.C Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance, Schedule I 2020-00000922 Bonded $1,000.00
2 40:1023.C Prohibited acts; Drug Paraphernalia 2020-00000922 Bonded $500.00
Total Count: 15
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Warming Centers in Sulphur and Lake Charles Offer Shelter and Support During Freeze
Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana - As frigid temperatures approach the region, the Sulphur Christian Community Coalition (SC3) in Sulphur and Water's Edge Gathering in Lake Charles are set to open warming centers to provide refuge for those in need. The centers will...
Sulphur Fire Department to Conduct Fire Hydrant Testing in March
SULPHUR, LA - The Sulphur Fire Department has announced that it will conduct its annual testing and inspection of the city's fire hydrants throughout the month of March. This essential procedure aims to maintain the Fire Department's Class 2 fire rating and ensure...
Sulphur Man Arrested After Missing Teen Found at His Home
Lake Charles, LA – On February 13, deputies from the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office were sent to a residence on Mosswood Drive in Sulphur, Louisiana regarding a report of a missing juvenile. During the investigation, deputies found a 14-year-old girl who had been...