City of Sulphur Announces Guidelines for Fallen Limb Pickup After Recent Storms

By Calcasieu Staff
Published May 10, 2024

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Sulphur, Louisiana – The City of Sulphur has announced a convenient solution for residents dealing with fallen limbs in their yards. In response to the recent influx of storm debris, the city has established a streamlined process for limb pickup, ensuring a cleaner and safer community for all.

To take advantage of this service, residents are encouraged to submit a request on the city’s website by following this link or contacting the Public Works Administration directly at 337-527-4583. Once the request is received, city workers will schedule a pickup at the earliest convenience.

To facilitate the pickup process, residents are asked to place the fallen limbs at the edge of the roadway, making it easily accessible for the city’s limb truck. It is essential to note that due to the limitations of the truck’s mechanical capabilities, limbs exceeding 4 inches in diameter and 6 feet in length cannot be accommodated.