Calcasieu Parish Debris Removal Updated from CPPJ

Calcasieu Parish Debris Removal Updated from CPPJ

Published December 11, 2020

From CPPJ – The Calcasieu Parish Police Jury wants to remind residents that hurricane debris pickup continues and will continue in 2021. As of now, the parish is into the second pass of the pickup process.
The parish has no set deadline as to when pickup will end. Officials ask that residents put hurricane debris to the curb so debris contractors can gauge how much is left and so they can locate places that still need pickup.
To help expedite the process, it is important to sort debris when placing it curbside – separate piles into vegetation, construction, appliances/white goods, electronics, and hazardous household waste.
Parish debris trucks have no set routes, and certain trucks are assigned specific types of debris. Trucks also have to make several trips to the landfills to unload.
The parish’s Solid Waste Convenience Centers in Sulphur and Lake Charles are open but are only accepting residential waste until further notice. No vegetation or construction/demolition debris is being accepted.
Residents can call Public Works at 337-721-3700 with questions.