Armed Intruder Reported on Campus by LSU Police Department

Armed Intruder Reported on Campus by LSU Police Department

Published August 20, 2019

At approximately 3 p.m. Tuesday, August 20, 2019, LSU Campus Police issued a statement indicating an armed intruder on Campus in Coates Hall. The message read “LSUPD: Reported armed intruder in Coates Hall. Run, Hide or Fight. LSUPD on scene. Monitor for further information.” The same alert was also posted to the LSU website, Twitter account and on other media.

Later at 3:30 p.m. it was found that some media outlets may have inaccurately reported that an all-clear had been called. The Official LSU Twitter account responded saying “That is NOT correct. The situation is ongoing. Continue to avoid the area or remain in a safe place. We will post when we have more information.”

The latest information from LSU can be found below: